Monday, September 12, 2005

Sex and Power

Nothing profound here, I've just had the same argument with so many women that say I'm full of crap that I want to record it somewhere for posterity. Not so much because it will help posterity, but because it's my opinion and it's my blog. Go away. The argument at its core is that women are ultimately more powerful than men once the structures of the law are taken into account. I add that qualifier because women invariably bring up rape as a man's big trump card in the battle of the sexes. It's an insulting trump card, but rather than try to rebut it for the moment let's keep the argument within a law-abiding society, or at least a society with some standard of civilized conduct. Women have more power because men want sex more than them. Women will immediately discount this as crap, but I think they do so because they just don't know what they're talking about. A man's sex drive is like a freight train. If this were not true, prostitution would not exist. As a result of this, theoretically all a beautiful women has to do to make a living is show up. Men have to essentially convince the world of some shiny new bullshit that makes him worth paying large sums of money. For example, a man convinces the world that they'll be happier if they have a toothbrush that vibrates, so they buy electric toothbrushes from him. In my eyes, the disparity here between what a woman has to do to survive and what a man has to do to survive shows that women are just incontrovertibly more powerful over men than men are over women. Women always say, "No, men have all the power - look at corporate America". It's true that men have more power by way of brute force - corporate America being a sort of elaborate extension of rape - but men only attained this power in the first place in reaction to women's power over him. He wants sex with beautiful young women, beautiful young women have this. So a man becomes the CEO of a huge corporation (or a Hollywood star - same thing) and gets to have sex with supermodels who are attracted to his power. But I do believe the male-dominant corporate culture is all just an attempt to level the table a bit with women. It makes me incredibly sad, and it makes me feel pretty crappy about being male, because I know that at the core that's all I really want too. I want power over beautiful women. Love is an entirely separate topic. When love's involved, the sexual power struggle theoretically disappears. Somehow I doubt this ever actually occurs. None of this is new, and it's the age-old fodder of lonely men in bars at 3 AM. The rest of us just keep yelling at each other or smiling about our electric toothbrushes.