About 30 of my friends from various generations of the
The Binghamton Crosbys (my college acappella group) and I have rented this huge, gorgeous 30-acre estate for next weekend, an event we're calling "Freedom Estate 2008" (the T-shirt says, "Go Free Yourself"), and we were all asked to read the lease. I may be the only one who actually did, but it proved a marvel of English syntax and paranoia. I think the wood-chopping clause was the deal-breaker for me: "NEVER chop wood inside of house or on the deck or concrete".
Actually, quite a few inspired moments in this document, which I now imagine the landlord writing in a desperate hindsighted rush as he watched the first tenant take the place to the ground:
DO NOT touch or play with anything mechanical/technological as this could cause serious problems
So true. God bless the Amish. Actually, it includes lights in the list of examples, but we will of course be observing the Jewish Sabbath.
Please do NOT open your windows while the heat is on as this will cause the pipes to freeze.
And the jacuzzi to explode. Is this kind of thing common knowledge? I've opened many windows while the heat was on without freezing any pipes. And it's the middle of July - if the heat is on I'm damn well opening a window. Makes me want to go into the dining room and chop some wood.
NEVER through anything in the toilet except for toilet paper in the toilet.
Such a promising selection of words ultimately failing to form an English sentence. Let's see, they make it very clear they're talking about a toilet here, something in the toilet, in the toilet, definitely, definitely in the toilet. This repetition of "in the toilet" actually creates a legal and astrophysical loophole - do they mean we can only "through" toilet paper in the toilet that is ALREADY in the toilet? It's a trick lads!
Then there's this unusual use of the word "through", which one can assume is just an Olde English spelling for "throw", but especially given the unorthodox spelling I insist they clarify this most critical verb in the lease. Does "throw" include "project"? "launch"? "expel"? "jettison"? "thrust with intestinal spasm"? Barbarians!
If the TV or stereo does not work after your departure due to someone fiddling with the wires...
Or diddling with the dials, twiddling with the thingamadiddies, you know.
Do not empty fireplace ashes or hot amber's.
Hot Amber's what? Can I fill it instead?
No skis are allowed in the house.
Even just down the stairs?
To summarize the rest, there will be no running, jumping, laughing, farting or talking on the premises. I also recommend this person read Strunk and White. Join me next week as we dissect a letter I received from my own landlord regarding my excessive petunia usage and opening of the refrigerator while the shower is running.