Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ron Paul on the bailout

Ron Paul makes a lot of sense to me. Government manipulation of interest rates and the value of the dollar leads to unnatural boom market conditions which then collapse, as we're now seeing. This is Ron Paul on the current Wall Street bailout.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Gun Control

What if we passed a law that held the parent responsible and punishable with jail time if their kid commits a crime using the parent's gun? That might deter gun ownership quite a bit, and would treat one of the big problems with gun ownership, that it puts guns potentially within reach of emotionally distressed minors.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

My second article series: Google Maps

Just had my second article series published on IBM Developerworks, this time on how to overlay custom data onto Google Maps and Google Earth. Inspired by Nine Inch Nails' graphical display of their album downloads around the globe, which they produced (I assume) using the technique I describe in the two-part series.

We used the graphic from Nine Inch Nails' website, which I thought the IBM lawyers would go berzerk over (I don't think NIN themselves would care), but they were fine with it.